
Hi, I'm Luke, Traditional Western Astrologer

Whether you are seeking profound self-knowledge or clarity on life's path, I support your journey of self-discovery through astrology's ancient symbolic wisdom. Together we'll explore your natal blueprint, uncovering innate gifts, core wounds, and the archetypal patterns influencing your experiences. Astrology acts as a mirror, reflecting your wholeness, and a compass for navigating inner conflicts with greater self-acceptance.

“Luke has a gift for guiding people towards purposeful work.

I was feeling lost about my career path when I started working with Luke. During the reading, he patiently listened and helped illuminate my strengths and ideal direction. His mastery of astrology empowered me when I was struggling with life's big questions. I'm grateful for his support in realizing my vocational calling.


Ever since I was a wide-eyed child, I was captivated by the symbolic mysteries hinted at in myths, fairy tales, and ancient teachings. While other kids played games, I'd lose myself in books exploring esoteric philosophies and occult traditions.

This innate fascination with unveiling the unseen layers of existence only deepened as I witnessed many loved ones grappling with existential questioning. I felt called to seek out wisdom that could provide meaning and direction.

My studies led me to the symbolic language of astrology, where I discovered a rich framework for self-discovery.

Astrology became my life's passion - a lens for peering into the sublime depths and helping others recognize their wholeness. I embraced the path of the astrologer to guide seekers in aligning with their turest callings.